12 July 2013

Elephants and Toes

Have you ever noticed how ugly feet are?  Look at them.  The toes imitate fingers but they're not really fingers.  It's not like you do much with them and even if you lost some, your balance would only be slightly affected.  The brain would compensate some other way.  The toes don't really bend.  Not only that they develop corns over time!  Not pretty and they can become eyesores.

Cartoon because I didn't want to hurt feelings.
Now think about the heels.  Before 25 years of age, they're pretty smooth and look pretty in sandals.  On the morning of your 25th birthday you wake up and they're black, cracked, and ugly!  I mean they don't even wait to sneak it up on you!  You wake up and they go BAM!  Later on in life you can also develop calluses which can be painful or just plain ugly or both.

We all know feet are ugly.  We just don't talk about it.  I mean come on, when you have plastic surgery that will remove bones so that feet can fit in Jimmy Choo shoes, I think it's the elephant in the room.

Unveiling of Fénykövi ElephantAnd don't get me started on toenails!  A weird thing to think about perhaps but Pinterest is full of pins detailing how to get beautiful feet today.  Humans didn't develop shoes for foot protection, we did it to protect our eyes from our feet.